Watch the replay from today's masterclass and learn 3 things you can do right now to take your brand to 6-figures and beyond
Here’s the truth, babe. People pay for your vibe + energy first, and your product second.
And that’s the #1 thing people get wrong when it comes to branding. It's not just about having the best product or service and knowing how to sell it. It's about cultivating a VIBE that people crave. It's about creating an ENERGY that people miss when it's gone. It's about building a universe that people want to be aligned with, so much so that they come looking for ways to be a part of it.
Any time I launch something, I receive messages like this:
"I'm joining your program! I need your vibes!"
"I signed up. I need Cara energy!"
"I want to do all of your courses. Which one should I do first?"
Your personal brand is the single most important thing in your business. When you have a strong brand, you aren't constantly selling. You're just vibing. And people are magnetized to you.
The best and worst thing about our world today? Anyone can create a personal brand. There is undoubtedly more opportunity than ever to be successful. But there is also undoubtedly more noise. But when you understand how to cut through that noise, and most importantly, what converts attention into actual sales, you win.